2023.04.09 01:40 GMT+8

Syrian refugee becomes mayor of German village

Updated 2023.04.09 01:40 GMT+8

From refugee to mayor in a village in southern Germany in just under eight years – this has been the journey of Ryyan Alshebl. 

The 29-year-old fled Syria for Germany in 2015 and is now a German citizen.

In the mayoral election in Ostelsheim - a village with 1,900 eligible voters in the Calw district west of Stuttgart - he stood as an independent candidate on Sunday - although he is privately a member of the Green Party.


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An absolute majority of 55.41 percent elected him as head of the municipality - in the very first ballot. Anything but a matter of course, according to the mayor-to-be.

'The joy was enormous'

"Ostelsheim has set a clear example, and in that sense has also made history. Also a strong signal for cosmopolitanism, for tolerance," he said.

"With my parents, the joy was enormous. For them it was also unexpected. They already knew that I was campaigning here, that I didn't have much time (to stay in touch with them). But I don't think they really expected me to win the elections," he shared.

Alshebl still works in the administration of the neighboring community. His inauguration as mayor - taking over from his predecessor Juergen Fuchs - is scheduled for June 18, and his term of office will last eight years. 

And there is a lot to do, he says: "In the area of childcare, senior care is also an issue and ensuring basic services in the village, like a supermarket."

Ryyan Alshebl stood as an independent candidate in Ostelsheim - a village near Stuttgart./ Reuters

'It's good when people integrate'

So far the support for the future Syrian-born mayor is great. 

"I think there were already critical comments about this election. But this is simply a democratic decision. And at the election events, you noticed how open Alshebl is and how he wants to tackle the problems, and that already gives a positive feedback in the community," passerby Ewald Kappla-Steinhauser said.

Alshebl is probably the first mayor of Syrian origin in the southwest. According to the local district administration, there has been no other applicant with Syrian roots - yet.

"It's good when people integrate, when they arrive here in such a way that they are also confident in professions that concern the public and if the citizens find him capable, then it is absolutely the right decision," said another local ​​Jonathan Meltsch.


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Source(s): Reuters
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