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Through My Eyes: Tim Clissold on 75th anniversary of founding of the People's Republic of China

Ray Addison, CGTN


Tim Clissold, a British businessman and writer, has spent over two decades immersed in China's evolving economic landscape. His journey began in the 1980s when he traveled through the country, sparking a fascination that ultimately led him to co-found a private equity group that invested over $400 million in Chinese enterprises.

Clissold is perhaps best known for his bestselling book, Mr China, which chronicles the misadventures of a Wall Street banker navigating the complexities of doing business in China. The book, translated into 12 languages, has resonated with readers worldwide.

Reflecting on the significance of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Clissold is enthusiastic. "What's to celebrate in 75 years? Well, how about 800 million people being lifted out of absolute poverty?" he said.

Clissold pointed to the collaboration between Chinese and American firms, using the example of CATL. /CGTN Europe
Clissold pointed to the collaboration between Chinese and American firms, using the example of CATL. /CGTN Europe

Clissold pointed to the collaboration between Chinese and American firms, using the example of CATL. /CGTN Europe

Clissold emphasized the rich history of Chinese civilization, stressing it should be viewed not only as a national treasure but as a shared heritage for all humanity. "It's tremendously useful, pragmatic and undogmatic," he added, highlighting its potential as an untapped resource for global advancement.

As Chinese businesses have modernized, their influence on Western companies has grown significantly. Clissold pointed to the collaboration between Chinese and American firms, using the example of CATL, the world's largest battery producer based in Fujian.

Tesla utilizes CATL batteries in its Nevada plant, with Chinese technicians assisting in installation - an unprecedented scenario just two decades ago. This collaboration illustrates the evolving dynamics of global business, where knowledge and technology flow both ways.

Clissold remains a key figure in the dialogue surrounding China's role in the modern world. /CGTN Europe
Clissold remains a key figure in the dialogue surrounding China's role in the modern world. /CGTN Europe

Clissold remains a key figure in the dialogue surrounding China's role in the modern world. /CGTN Europe

Clissold also discussed the factors contributing to China's leadership in renewable energy and the energy transition. While debates continue regarding tariffs and the country's robust industrial base, he emphasized the importance of consistent policy.

"China started on this road in 2008 and fleshed it out in 2012, maintaining a steady policy since then," he said. This stability has instilled confidence in both state-owned enterprises and private investors, enabling them to plan long-term investments without fear of sudden policy shifts.

Clissold's insights reflect a profound understanding of China's rapid transformation and its implications for global business. His experiences serve as a testament to the potential of Sino-Western collaboration, highlighting the lessons that can be learned from China's approach to economic development. 

As Clissold continues to share his perspectives, he remains a key figure in the dialogue surrounding China's role in the modern world.

Through My Eyes: Tim Clissold on 75th anniversary of founding of the People's Republic of China

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