2024.05.14 22:08 GMT+8

CGTN's Noor Harazeen: Living in Gaza

Updated 2024.05.14 22:08 GMT+8
Gary Parkinson

What is it like to be a journalist in the Gaza Strip, fearing for your life while covering the most important story of your career? In this exclusive interview, CGTN's Noor Harazeen - who has filed hundreds of live reports, even as the bombs fell around her - tells her story. 

She reveals how it's not just a job, but "a responsibility, a duty," acknowledges her struggle to live in a ruined infrastructure and explains how she managed to continue reporting and supporting her children despite losing colleagues, friends and family. 


Video editing: James Muerer

Senior Producers: Elizabeth Mearns & Gary Parkinson

Chief Editor: Qian Fang

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