2024.01.24 23:03 GMT+8

Türkiye ratifies Sweden's NATO membership bid after 20-month wait

Updated 2024.01.24 23:03 GMT+8

Turkish opposition party members hold signs against Sweden's NATO application. /CFP/Adem Altan

The Turkish parliament approved Sweden's bid to join NATO on Tuesday after leaving the Scandinavian nation awaiting approval to join the treaty for 20 months. Sweden had applied for membership first in 2022, near the onset of the conflict in Ukraine, but although Ankara approved an application from allied Finland last April, lawmakers had left Sweden waiting.


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The motion to accept Sweden passed through Ankara's parliament with a vote of 287-55, and is expected to be signed into legislation within a few days, leaving the fate of Sweden's membership in the hands of fellow holdout Hungary. As every member nation of NATO must approve a new member's application, Sweden's wait comes as Türkiye and Hungary abstained from addressing the northern nation's application status.

"We support NATO enlargement to improve the alliance's deterrence efforts... We hope Finland and Sweden's attitude towards fighting terrorism sets an example for our other allies," Fuat Oktay, head of parliament's foreign affairs commission and a ruling AK Party member, said during the debate.

Turkish President Erdogan is expected to sign the vote's ratification document in the coming days. /Yves Herman/Reuters

"I greatly appreciate the Turkish Parliament's decision to approve Sweden's entry into NATO today," U.S. Ambassador Jeff Flake said in a written statement on Tuesday.

He said Türkiye's "commitment to the NATO Alliance clearly demonstrates our enduring partnership."

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed the Turkish move and said: "I also count on Hungary to complete its national ratification as soon as possible."

The fate of Sweden's application will remain on hold till at least mid-February when Hungary's parliament returns from its recess.

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Source(s): Reuters
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