Reinventing the sail, to decarbonize shipping: RAZOR full episode

A technology that's been around for 5,000 years could help fight climate change. RAZOR's Emma Keeling speaks to the engineers reinventing the sail in the hopes that it will help decarbonize the maritime shipping industry, which emits 837 million metric tons of CO2 a year. 

One of them is BAR Technologies, which took inspiration from sleek sails used in the America's Cup, to invent a new wing-like sail that can be retrofitted onto cargo ships. The first ship fitted with the sails, the Pyxis Ocean, has already completed its maiden voyage. 

Meanwhile the Swedish company Oceanbird has developed its own version of a wing-sail while also designing a whole new cargo ship that runs on wind propulsion.

Reinventing the sail, to decarbonize shipping: RAZOR full episode

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