The Future of Supply Chains - The Agenda full episode
Updated 19:57, 06-Nov-2023
The Agenda

Since 2020, global supply chains have come under pressure like never before. Geopolitical events - Covid and conflict - as well as increasing demand for critical minerals to underpin new technology have changed the way manufacturing operates for ever. The World Economic Forum is providing what it hopes is a beacon to companies looking to embrace change with its Global Lighthouse network – but what does this all really mean for the future of the global economy?

In this episode of The Agenda, Juliet Mann speaks to Enno de Boer, Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company, Xue Rulong, Europe Region Director of Midea Industrial tech and Professor Sarah Schiffling, Assistant Professor in Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility at Hanken School of Economics, to find out.

The Future of Supply Chains - The Agenda full episode
The Future of Supply Chains - The Agenda full episode
The Future of Supply Chains - The Agenda full episode

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