2023.07.27 21:50 GMT+8

Ambassador celebrates UK-China business cooperation

Updated 2023.07.27 21:50 GMT+8

Zheng Zeguang, Chinese ambassador to the UK, delivers a speech at a reception celebrating China-UK business cooperation. /Chinese Embassy in the UK

China's economy continues to recover with its GDP growing by 5.5 percent year on year, said Zheng Zeguang, refuting the pessimistic views about China while eyeing more cooperations between China and the UK.

The Chinese ambassador made the remarks while addressing the reception celebrating China-UK business cooperation in the City of London on Wednesday.

China is also working to apply the new development philosophy, accelerating the building of a new pattern of development, while comprehensively deepening reform and opening up, said the Chinese ambassador, adding that the measures have appropriately expand China's economic output.

Zheng also outlined China's recent measures to promote the initiative and growth of the private sector, expand domestic demand and open up to the outside world at a higher level. He elaborated on the potentials of the Chinese economy as well, including the rich human resources and huge market it enjoys.

China and the UK have broad prospects of cooperation in areas such as the digital economy, trade and finance, and green energy, said Zheng. He called on the two countries to adhere to the principle of mutual benefit and win-win, while providing a level-playing field for each other's business communities, and break new ground in collaboration in new areas.

About 200 people from the Chinese and British business communities joined the event.

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