2023.06.30 19:18 GMT+8

Latin more taught than Chinese in UK primary schools

Updated 2023.06.30 19:18 GMT+8
Pupils who study Chinese at Millburn School in Northern Ireland. /CGTN

Pupils who study Chinese at Millburn School in Northern Ireland. /CGTN

The teaching of Latin is more widespread than Chinese in UK primary schools, according to a survey.

The Times reported that the language of the ancient Romans is learned in 2.3 percent of schools compared with 2 percent where classes in Mandarin are available.

Latin is the official language of just one county, the Vatican City with a population under a thousand. Mandarin is the most spoken language in the world.

The figures were based on a survey of 600 schools.

Last year a report by the UK's Higher Education Policy Institute found that the UK was at a competitive disadvantage globally because its education system had not responded to the increasing role of China in the world. 

Latin more taught than Chinese in UK primary schools

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