2023.06.21 20:22 GMT+8

Ukrainian football star makes new life in Hungary's top league

Updated 2023.06.21 20:22 GMT+8
Pablo Gutierrez in Budapest

When Ukrainian refugees fled their homes, most of them had to leave behind their career hopes and dreams as well.

But one young footballer was given the chance to pick up where he'd left off, with help from his new host country.

Before the conflict in Ukraine broke out, 19-year-old Dmitrij Nazarenko played in midfield for Ukrainian Premier League side Mariupol FC. But when war came to his city, everything changed.

19-year-old Dmitrij Nazarenko now plays football for MOL Fehérvár FC. /CGTN

"When the fighting started, I stopped thinking about my plans for the future. I just tried to survive," Nazarenko tells CGTN. "Thank God that my family is alive and well and I can see them. That's the most important thing."

Nazarenko says the day he fled Mariupol was the worst day of his life. His home had just been shelled while he hid in the basement with his family. It was at that moment he knew he had to leave. 

He left for Donetsk with his girlfriend, and after a month there, they traveled through Russia until they finally reached Budapest.

"His story has touched many people in Hungary, I was the one who started to search for a sponsor for him, and it was really not difficult," said Kristof Gacs, Deputy President of the Hungarian Interchurch Aid group.

Nazarenko is determined to tackle problems on and off the pitch. /CGTN

Since the conflict began, the group has helped over 100,000 Ukrainian refugees in Hungary. When Gacs learned about Nazarenko's story, he immediately helped him secure a private donation that covered his monthly expenses and introduced him to soccer clubs in Hungary. One of them, top division MOL Fehérvár FC, recruited him.

"From the moment I arrived in Budapest, this organization helped me, gave me housing and an opportunity to keep playing football," said Nazarenk.

The first weeks with the club were tough. There was a language barrier, and lack of training had taken a toll on his fitness level, but he played on until an injury sidelined him.

Nazarenkoj has not lost hope or focus, and hopes to be playing again soon. He remains determined to tackle challenges on and off the field.

"His story has a very important message about carrying on, chasing the dream, and being strong," said Gàcs.

But there is one dream, Nazarenko says, that is still out of reach, and that is to play once again in his hometown, to return to the time when fans crowded the stands and there was peace.

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