2023.02.13 03:28 GMT+8

How Austria is using AI to protect Biodiversity: RAZOR

Updated 2023.02.15 02:31 GMT+8
Zhang Nini
How Austria is using AI to protect Biodiversity: RAZOR

Chirping birds show scientists in an Austrian National Park how healthy is the habitat and now the input of artificial intelligence is making it a lot easier.

At Neusiedl National Park, so-called AI guardians are taking over manual work and giving scientists crucial wildlife data. 

Autonomous recording saves scientists trips at night, during the breeding season and in difficult weather conditions. 

And they are able to check on how chirpy the birds as an indicator of the health of the habitat.

The devices, powered by Huawei technology, collect 144 minutes of files every day, in all of the 70 stations across the reed belt. 

Bird chirping is used to record the health of the habitat in the Neusiedl National Park./ CGTN

Bird chirping is used to record the health of the habitat in the Neusiedl National Park./ CGTN

The impact of climate changes in recent years means the quality of the reed belt is declining, with dieback observed in some areas around the lake. 

Water levels in the region have decreased due to the construction of an artificial regulation channel, threatening the health of the reed belt and thus the bird habitat. 

The acoustic data will be used to study the changes in bird songs as a basis for future wetland conservation.

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