Keeping Students Safe Is Crucial For Future Of Europe's Universities

Universities around the world simply cannot afford for their international students to stay away, pandemic or no pandemic. So, what are they doing to reassure students and their families that they will be safe? 

Graham Virgo, Senior Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education at Cambridge University tells Stephen Cole what his institution – one of the oldest and most famous in the world – is doing to ensure the students get a real Cambridge education in the midst of a pandemic.

"We've realized there are students who may have concerns about travelling to another country and coming to a university such as Cambridge, and one thing we've particularly focused on is a public health campaign."

"We are expecting face coverings to be warn inside and we've developed a testing system as well. We were one of the first universities in the UK to say our lectures would be going online, but we want there to be a significant amount of face-to-face teaching in small groups."