From party entertainer to YouTube sensation
Juliet Mann

From juggling home-schooling to furlough, many people's working lives were thrown into chaos during lockdown – particularly those working in entertainment and events as venues closed and gatherings were limited to an intimate few. 

However, Natalie Austin has found unexpected opportunities as she was forced to rethink her career. The songwriter, vocal coach and occasional fairy princess has an alter-ego, Sparkles, who has gone viral.

"What started as a bit of fun on Facebook Live has suddenly grown into something so much bigger than I could ever have possibly imagined," Austin tells CGTN Europe.


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Lockdown slashed Austin's workload: parties stopped, bookings were canceled and even though some vocal coaching could continue online, she missed the one-on-one interaction.

"I was about to lose my mind, I'm very creative," she recalls. "I thought, 'What am I going to do that will incorporate all these skills and also help people during lockdown?'"

That's how Stories with Sparkles was born, a bedtime boon for tired families everywhere. "I thought, 'When is the time of day when parents really need a helping hand?'," explains Austin. "I've got a three-year-old and a six-year-old. I thought, 'Let's do an online show where I'm dressed as Sparkles.' I read a bedtime story, tell a few jokes with some of my puppets and props and give the parents a break."

Expecting to gain a few views from family, friends and her kids' party network, she gained a following in America, Italy, Spain, Dubai and China – and was approached by a management company with big plans to grow her brand.

"I'm now on YouTube, I've been on the Duchess of York's show Storytime with Fergie, there'll be a website very soon selling Sparkles merchandise, there's going to be a fan club – I guess the sky's the limit," Austin grins.

Meanwhile, she's enjoying the pleasure her alter-ego has brought. "For Stories with Sparkles I hope that we can bring some happiness and love to all the children around the world, and their parents," she says. "If I can bring a bit of sparkle into everyone's life – including my own – what's wrong with that?"