2020.04.25 01:26 GMT+8

What is a cytokine storm?: RAZOR

Updated 2020.04.25 01:26 GMT+8

Do you know what a cytokine storm is and why it is relevant to COVID-19? 

CGTN Europe's Neil Cairns from the RAZOR team found out. He spoke to Jonathan Lacey, a doctor at St George's Hospital in London, who explained how the "excessive inflammatory response" is "not a novel concept for coronavirus."

Lacey said: "It's something that we see and have seen and do see with any kind of traumatic experience for the body... whether that is physical trauma or a nasty infection." 

When asked about how hospital staff are dealing with the current COVID-19 pandemic in the NHS, Lacey said: "We're getting used to the new normal."

Watch the full video above.

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